Yoga Regulators w/Salima
Monday, 12 Jun 2017 5:30 PM
Ages 7-12 yrs~ Specialized Yoga for active kiddos to improve behavior, focus, and attention through learning self-control and appropriate release of energy. This is a fun filled yoga class for children. The Yoga Regulators group is programmed to focus on improving skills such as communication/social, coping with upsetting feelings and hyperactivity. This class teaches children to redirect uncomfortable feelings/behaviors by learning self-awareness and calming exercises that can aid with self-control. Activities help increase focus, self-esteem, elevate mood, self-control/self-regulation, mind and body connection, balance, flexibility, and strength.
Children also improve social and communication skills by learning to get along better with peers. Activities focus on teaching children how to cooperate by sharing, taking turns, working together, problem-solving, following directions, caring for each other, and expressing their frustrations and emotions in socially acceptable ways.
$80/4 classes (Therapy client discount $65/4 clients)
First time rate: $25 (Therapy client discount $20)
PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED…call 239-231-3208 to reserve your space…