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Girls Middle School Support Group is Empowering

Girls Middle School Support Group is Empowering

Navigating the middle school years can be a challenging time for girls. It is a time of transition from childhood to adolescence. With that, there are many new situations and feelings that they will encounter. Middle school support groups can help with this transition.

Physically, girls’ bodies begin to mature during middle school. They can start their menstrual cycle, begin wearing bras, begin having feelings towards boys, begin having “drama” with girlfriends, and begin paying more attention to their appearance. Their world is changing in a biological, emotional, social and psychological sense.

Society places many pressures on girls to look and act a certain way. They are inundated with unrealistic expectations through television, movies, and social media that can put un-necessary pressures on them. From clothing to sex to weight and more, our society tells girls what the “should” be which most of the time is unattainable. Dealing with these issues can be overwhelming. The instability of these years make arguments and breakups seem a lot worse than they are.

Middle school support groups for girls can help your child with her self-esteem. A supportive system made up of peers for girls to gather and participate in is important. It provides a safe, non-judgmental space that they can open up and talk about similar issues in their life. In relating to each other, this can help in coping with the newness of this age.

Here at Monarch Wellness, we have an 8-week “Soul Sisters Middle School Support Group”. We will be focusing on self-expression, problem-solving skills, peer support, and building self-confidence with other middle school girls in the area. If you would like your pre-teen to be a part of this 8-week group, please call us for more information at 239-231-3208. This support group is offered at our Central Naples location at 843 Myrtle Terrace, Naples, Florida 34103.



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(239) 231-3208

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