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Social Media/Confidentiality

KIEV UKRAINE - AUGUST 22 2015:Collection of popular social media logos printed on paper:Facebook Twitter Google Plus Instagram Pinterest Skype YouTube Linkedin and others on wooden background

As an integrative practice, we gently confront the social stigma often attached with psychotherapy. We are aware from personal and professional experience that it takes courage to face, walk through, and resolve emotional and behavioral discord, while building healthy coping skills, strengthening self-confidence, and embracing a more positive attitude of gratitude. 

Social media is the current wave of communication and connection. In line with our mission of empowering individuals and families to Transform, Emerge, and Become… through emotional and behavioral metamorphosis, we regard social media, in addition to other marketing, as a means of encouraging individuals who are suffering, or emotionally “stuck,” to break free from stigmas and introducing them to integrative healing options of which they may not be aware otherwise. 
Comments, “like’s,” friends, shares, invites, attendees to groups, events, and other interactions on Facebook, Twitter, or other social media do not indicate that individuals are clients of Monarch Wellness.  Due to the nature of social media, confidentiality cannot be guaranteed.  However, we are dedicated to maintaining strong ethical and professional standards of practice including privacy.  Ie. we do not confirm or deny if someone is a client.  If you have any questions about our policy, feel free to ask. :)

I have woven a parachute out of everything broken.

-William Stafford


We are an integrative mental health practice focused on empowering individuals & families to transform through emotional metamorphosis with peace, purpose, & insight. Professional licensed therapists tailor evidence based counseling with a gentle approach to help you experience freedom & relief.

Contact Us

2335 Tamiami Trail North,
Suite 406, Naples, FL 34103

(239) 231-3208

We are Open

Monday to Thursday
11:00am - 7:00pm

Friday to Sunday

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