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Forgiveness ‘vs’ Allowance

Forgiveness ‘vs’ Allowance

The concepts of forgiveness and allowance are frequently intermixed and mixed up entirely.  Throughout our lives, there is no doubt that people in our worlds will put us through trials and tribulations. Some to the point where it will make us incredibly angry and push us to our limits.


When someone hurts you, the easy thing is to transfer that anger and hurt into hate. To want to hurt them back and make them feel as badly as you do. The saying “An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind” holds true. Hurting someone back, though temporarily gratifying, isn’t going to fix anything, and possibly make things worse.


You will hear people ask “How can you ever forgive?” The simple answer is “because I want inner peace.”


Making the choice to forgive someone is a big step. It means letting go of the resentment and pain. It may seem hard to forgive someone when viewed as a gift. After all, you are mad, why would you want to do anything for them? The thing is, when looked at in the proper light, it isn’t for them at all. Forgiveness is for the forgiver not the forgiven.



Forgiving someone does not need to be intermingled with allowing the person to continue with their actions going forward or even allowing them to remain in your life at all.

You can forgive and allow them to remain if they are truly sorry and you feel the connection can be salvaged on both ends or if you don’t believe that to be the case, you can choose to not allow it any further.


Carrying a heavy weight around for the rest of your life every time you think of that event or that person only serves to hurt you, not them. Put it down and walk away.


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