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Your Self Awareness Guide

Your Self Awareness Guide

  1. The Why’s?

Ask yourself why you are making the decision you are… what is your motivation? Often we make snap decisions without really understanding the basis behind them. Take the time to understand what drives you and your choices.


  1. STOP

When faced with a choice or decision, it often feels like the response should be immediate. Look before you leap is a wise old adage. Before reacting, just stop. Pause. Wait… simmer a bit. This helps you to remain at cause rather than ending up at the mercy of effect.


  1. Explain

Practice articulating how you feel without placing blame on others. When you remain responsible for your choices and actions, you retain the power.


  1. Deny

Mastering self-control is vital. Say “No” to yourself sometimes. Work on refusing temptations which do not benefit you, and especially any that could cause harm.


  1. Play Lawyer

Or Devil’s Advocate – flip the script and see things from an opposing view. Sometimes this can help open your perspective or even strengthen the view already held.


  1. Take Responsibility

Hold yourself accountable for your actions, flaws, mistakes and consequences of actions. Breaking agreements, even with yourself can be damaging to the psyche.


  1. Enough with the negative self-talk!

Just stop it. Drop the critical commentary. Celebrate your wins and forgive yourself any perceived failures. Most failures are simply lessons – we learn and next time are better prepared.


  1. Find a Mentor

Feedback is vital. Find someone whose opinion you respect and let them help guide you.


  1. What is your body saying?

Are you aware of your body? Do you notice your own stance, posture, gate and hand gestures? What are the conveying to others? Simple things like standing up straight, meeting someone’s gaze or not crossing your arms gives you an aura of confidence and assurance. In turn, you tend to feel more that way as well.


  1. Know ThySelf

What are your strong points, skills, gifts and talents? What are your weaker areas? Play to your strengths and minimize the weaknesses or if you are so inclined, work on them to become stronger.


  1. Evaluate

Take an honest look at yourself on every level. Spiritual, emotional, mental, physical. Keep track of your progress as this is sure to change over time.


  1. Meditation

It can be a challenge to focus and quiet your mind, just start with something simple like 10 minutes a day. If thoughts come to your mind, brush them away and refocus. Tip: Guided meditation is easier for beginners than silence.


For more tips, ideas, classes, one on one sessions, events and seminars please visit



We are an integrative mental health practice focused on empowering individuals & families to transform through emotional metamorphosis with peace, purpose, & insight. Professional licensed therapists tailor evidence based counseling with a gentle approach to help you experience freedom & relief.

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(239) 231-3208

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