Inner Spa Day for the Mind-Yoga and Singing Bowls
Saturday, 12 Sep 2015 9:15 AM
9:15am: Sign In
9:30-10am: Laughter Yoga with Jill Emmerich
10-11:15am: Yoga and Singing Bowls with Michelle Falco and William Ward
Calm your body with yoga and the healing vibrations of the singing bowls.
$20, $15/clients
Inner Spa for the Mind Saturdays are releasing and rejuvenating for de-stress, emotional healing, mental maintenance, and mindful transformation.
Various integrative practitioners collaborate in creating a unique day of healing every 2nd Saturday of the month. Times, teachers, classes, and fees vary. Therapeutic modalities include sound therapy, yoga, integrative relaxation, breath healing, and creative expression.
Call our office for further information about the next Inner Spa Saturday schedule and to reserve your spot due to limited space. Wear comfortable clothes. Open to Adults and Teens. Bring a yoga mat if you have one, or borrow one of ours.