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Setting Intensions Rather than Resolutions w/ Peggy Sealfon

Pre-registration Required!

An empowering and creative approach to setting intensions that can last a lifetime! With Peggy Sealfon.

You’ll understand how to illuminate your true path to personal greatness and get in alignment with your life’s mission statement. The program includes experiential exercises to support your understandings and provides a perfect way to begin the new year! 

 $30 pp , (Clients: $25 pp) 

For more information, call the office at 239-231-3208.


We are an integrative mental health practice focused on empowering individuals & families to transform through emotional metamorphosis with peace, purpose, & insight. Professional licensed therapists tailor evidence based counseling with a gentle approach to help you experience freedom & relief.

Contact Us

2335 Tamiami Trail North,
Suite 406, Naples, FL 34103

(239) 231-3208

We are Open

Monday to Thursday
11:00am - 7:00pm

Friday to Sunday

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