Transform through Life with Peace, Purpose, and Insight...

Obstacles in our life paths challenge our strength, motivation, and self-confidence. It becomes difficult to stay positive and in the present when pain from the past or worries about the future are overwhelming. Whether you are feeling stuck in unresolved trauma, looking for a light at the end of tunnel, or ready to work on specific goals, Monarch Wellness (originally Monarch Therapy) in Naples, Florida provides a safe space for you to find your way. We tailor evidence based counseling with a gentle approach to help you experience freedom and relief.

Our mission is to empower individuals and families to transform through life's obstacles with peace, purpose, and insight. We are committed to providing a safe space to work through the healing process of emotional metamorphosis.

Professional therapists specialize in
•Alleviation of Stress, Anxiety, Trauma (PTSD & C-PTSD), and other Emotional Discord
•Adjustment to Life Transitions and other Challenges (Grief/Loss, Illness, Relocation, Life Stage, etc.)

Now Offering Telehealth Services (Click Below)

Click Here To Learn More
Anxiety Relief for Children

Anxiety Relief for Children

An anxious child can be challenging to comfort, but stress and anxiety are a normal part of growth in childhood. Every child goes through phases which are almost always temporary. Those who suffer from actual anxiety disorders are shy out of fear and excess nervousness, causing them to want to avoid activities and even socializing and making friends, which can leave them isolated making the problem worse.

Anxiety disorders affect one out of eight children. Research shows that poor school performance and substance abuse often stem out of anxiety left untreated. It is important

when dealing with anxious children to respect and acknowledge their feelings without giving more power to their fears.


Tips for anxiety relief:


  1. Be a good example. When you get upset and are around your kids, don’t flip out. Breathe deeply, and try and take a step back. Don’t cover the fact that you are upset but do your best to deal with the situation in a calm manner.


  1. Don’t avoid things simply because they cause anxiety for your child. It may help short term, but reinforces the trigger in the long run.


  1. Don’t make unrealistic promises that are not yours to keep. We all want to protect our kids, but much of life isn’t within your realm of control.


  1. Reinforce that no matter what, they will be ok and you believe in them. Confidence outranks anxiety every time.


  1. Don’t ask leading questions. Encourage them to talk to you about how they feel, but don’t put words in their mouths. Example “Are you anxious about your test?”. The thought is now put in the mind and where anxiety did not exist, you may have just seeded it.


    1. Meditation and Relaxation practices can be taught and integrated into the child and family’s life. Monarch Wellness teaches healthy relaxation coping skills in their Confident Caterpillars Yoga class as well as Family Fun Yoga and even Restorative Sound.  Therapists also incorporate mindful based tools into individual play therapy sessions.

If your child is having anxiety issues it is important to address the root problem. Much of the medical society today is geared towards medications which may successfully mask and cover the problem for a time but for real healing, the reason for the anxiety needs to be addressed.


Give Monarch Wellness a call today and let us help. We can be reached by calling (239) 231-3208.




The Crystal Bowl Experience

The Crystal Bowl Experience

Restorative sound healing is a powerful healing modality that most still are not aware of. All music at a core level is vibration. As humans, our cellular structure also vibrates though on such a microscopic level it cannot be seen and is generally not felt.

Meditation using crystal bowls is a totally unique and very powerful experience.

Both Crystal and Tibetan Singing Bowls are powerful healing tools. It is recommended that you wear comfortable clothing, turn off all devices, and bring a mat to lay on and a pillow for comfort.

As you lay back, close your eyes and begin to relax the conductor will begin to lightly rub the outside rims of the bowls creating a subtle hum in the air. They will then add in other bowls with differing notes, tones and sounds, one at a time and simultaneously overlapping giving the vibration of the room even greater depth.

As the music plays, breathe deeply to allow your body to release tension and clear your mind. You may begin to feel lighter, and one with the resonance of the bowls. It is common to experience physical sensations such as lightness of being, muscle twitches (which are releases of energy), visually see images, colors or shapes, some even hear words. Though most fall into a meditative state occasionally sleep will set in. There is no wrong way to do this. Even sleeping your subconscious still benefits. What each person experiences is completely personal.

The center’s mission of empowerment through emotional and behavioral metamorphosis is based on the philosophy that there isn’t one cure-all approach; each person can find the modality or combination of modalities that resonate with him/her to create one’s own healing and advancement.



Holding on to excess weight

Holding on to excess weight

Yo-Yo dieting has become almost the norm for American society. We go on a diet, lose some weight and get into a “health kick”. We feel good! It is hard to maintain, though, due to restrictions, time and life in general. Many of us slide back into old routines and eventually back to our old weight if not even gaining a little more than where we first started. It can be a frustrating experience.


Excess weight can be influenced by a number of factors including nutrition, environment, lifestyle, hormone levels and even by inner beliefs we may or may not know we hold. According to world-renowned author Louise L. Hay and her book “You Can Heal Your Life”, Fat and excess weight on a root metaphysical level, stem from a need to protect the self. From what can vary from person to person.


How do you find out what is blocking you and allow that release so you can get past this barrier in your own life?

You don’t have to go it alone.


Anna Noble, LMFT offers a Weight Release Program through Monarch Wellness here in Naples, FL. The TRIM-LIFE® program uses the power of the mind, both conscious and subconscious to change eating patterns as well as uncover and heal emotional issues related to weight. The TRIM-LIFE® Program is specifically designed for people who have tried many diet programs and have discovered that diets don’t work, only real life changes do.


For questions about hypnosis or this program, ask to talk with Anna directly. She can be reached by calling (239) 231-3208

Flower Power – Healing through Nature with Bach Flower Remedies

Flower Power – Healing through Nature with Bach Flower Remedies

Though it is not known exactly when the use of tinctures in natural medicine began, Bach Flower remedies have been around since the 1930’s. Dr. Edward Bach, a British Physician is responsible for their creation. Bach Flower Remedies consist of a collection of 38 different tinctures made by extracting the essence of a plants or flowers by using an alcohol based solution. The 38 tinctures were specially created to match and counteract the 38 negative states of mind.

These resulting liquids are very powerful and concentrated. Each plant has been found to have their own specific medicinal uses which can encompass physical issues as well as emotional.


Though some remedies can be helpful for more than one malady, here is the basic list to use as a guide.

Agrimony – mental torture behind a cheerful face

Aspen – fear of unknown things

Beech – intolerance

Centaury – the inability to say ‘no’

Cerato – lack of trust in one’s own decisions

Cherry Plum – fear of the mind giving way

Chestnut Bud – failure to learn from mistakes

Chicory – selfish, possessive love

Clematis – dreaming of the future without working in the present

Crab Apple – the cleansing remedy, also for self-hatred

Elm – overwhelmed by responsibility

Gentian – discouragement after a setback

Gorse – hopelessness and despair

Heather – self-centredness and self-concern

Holly – hatred, envy and jealousy

Honeysuckle – living in the past

Hornbeam – tiredness at the thought of doing something

Impatiens – impatience

Larch – lack of confidence

Mimulus – fear of known things

Mustard – deep gloom for no reason

Oak – the plodder who keeps going past the point of exhaustion

Olive – exhaustion following mental or physical effort

Pine – guilt

Red Chestnut – over-concern for the welfare of loved ones

Rock Rose – terror and fright

Rock Water – self-denial, rigidity and self-repression

Scleranthus – inability to choose between alternatives

Star of Bethlehem – shock

Sweet Chestnut – Extreme mental anguish, when everything has been tried and there is no light left

Vervain – over-enthusiasm

Vine – dominance and inflexibility

Walnut – protection from change and unwanted influences

Water Violet – pride and aloofness

White Chestnut – unwanted thoughts and mental arguments

Wild Oat – uncertainty over one’s direction in life

Wild Rose – drifting, resignation, apathy

Willow – self-pity and resentment


Dr. Bach also has created a line of blended Rescue Remedies which are specially blended to provide support for specified issues such as: Sleep, Energy, Emotional Eating, Stress and even a blend which is safe to use for Pets.


They can be taken orally straight by the drop or dropper full and placed under the tongue (sublingually) or even mixed in tea and sipped slowly.


Monarch Wellness realizes that if you are not experienced in homeopathy and natural remedies choosing can be confusing. We welcome calls or visits to the office and are more than happy to help guide you in the best direction.


Bach Flower remedies are only available at our main central Naples location 843 Myrtle Terrace, Naples 34103. We can be reached by phone by calling 239-231-3208

Anxiety Reaches High During the Holidays

Anxiety Reaches High During the Holidays

For those of you who suffer from anxiety on a day to day basis, the holidays can exacerbate the problem. Holidays create stress. Stress creates anxiety. Therefore, the holidays create anxiety.

Around the holidays, there are additional stressors such as family visiting, holiday parties, shopping, decorating, cooking additional meals, and much more. This, in addition to normal every-day stressors, can become too much for some people and it becomes overwhelming.

Stress can rear its ugly head in many ways.

  • If you are always worried and it continues for months, then this is a sign of anxiety. When your emotions affect your daily life and the worry becomes too great, then you know it is anxiety.


  • Sleep problems. If you have trouble falling asleep due to events in the day or wake up periodically throughout the night with a lot of worry and agony over the day, this indicates that the stress is too much in your life.


  • Phobias: if you begin having irrational thoughts and feelings about a topic, this is a sign of a phobia. Everyone is nervous or scared of things from time to time. But, if you are scared to the point where it affects your life, such as not flying because you are afraid to, then the phobia is controlling your life.


  • Panic attacks. Some people begin to have anxiety so much that their body reacts with feelings of doom and intense feelings of fear. Some people feel their heart beating faster, hands get sweaty, breathing becomes shallow, dizziness, chest pain, and more. The panic attack can last for minutes. The stress of having panic attacks is the anticipation of the next attack.

Don’t let stress ruin your holiday fun. Learn to meditate and breathe deeply to get through the rough patches. Or, take a class such as our Yoga for Anxiety Relief here at Monarch Wellness. We have expanded it to be a four-week program!

Check out and sign up for our new workshop that is part of our wellness series:

Managing Anxiety Workshop – December 14th 6:30-8:30 (with Michelle Falco).We will include discussion and practice of tools that are helpful in alleviating and managing anxiety.

For information call us at 239-231-3208. Our central Naples location is 843 Myrtle Terrace, Naples, Florida 34103.

Buscar orientación profesional cuando los tiempos son difíciles

Buscar orientación profesional cuando los tiempos son difíciles

¿Se ha sentido abrumado(a) últimamente?  ¿Se ha sentido triste y siente no poder manejar los más pequeños retos en su vida?  ¿Sufren sus relaciones? Todos pasamos por momentos difíciles, pero a veces cuando la vida se vuelve muy estresante, puede ser en su interés buscar asesoramiento profesional.

Un Consejero Profesional no tiene una opinión de la manera que su familia, amigos y compañeros de trabajo, la tienen. El terapeuta puede observar objetivamente su situación y ayudarle a formar un plan hacia un resultado saludable y positivo para su situación.  Además, a diferencia de la familia y amigos, el consejero tiene prohibido comentar y hablar con otros lo que usted le revela durante la sesión. Las situaciones únicas que puede el consejero divulgar a alguien su situación, es si usted se va a hacer daño a sí mismo, puede dañar a alguien, o el sistema judicial lo solicite.

Desafortunadamente, hay un malentendido a la hora de buscar ayuda concejal. Algunas personas tienen la idea errónea de que hablar con un terapeuta es solamente para personas que están “locas” o tienen un trastorno psicológico. Alguna gente cree que ir a un terapeuta es como una debilidad, o no poder “manejar sus problemas por su cuenta”. Esto absolutamente no es cierto. Todos pueden beneficiarse de hablar con un consejero sobre sus problemas, retos y situaciones en su vida. Un consejero es un profesional imparcial que puede ayudar a guiarle a través de los tiempos difíciles.

Algunas personas tienen la preocupación por el costo de la terapia. Si el seguro médico no cubre el costo, algunos consejeros ofrecen una escala móvil, que puede ayudar a aliviar el costo.  También no piense que tiene que atender las sesiones  cuatro veces por semana. Puede ser mensual, o cualquier tiempo que el  consejero considera que es adecuado para su situación o presupuesto. Hay que ver la terapia como una inversión para sí mismo y para su bienestar.

Es más fácil para las personas comunicar sus pensamientos, sentimientos y problemas en su lengua materna. En Monarch Wellness, contamos con un consejero que habla español, haciendo el proceso más cómodo para aquellos cuyo idioma principal es el español.  Se necesita mucho valor para pedir ayuda profesional, y el no tener que preocuparse de traducir sus pensamientos y sentimientos puede hacer el proceso menos intimidante. Lo invitamos a acercarse a nosotros si usted necesita un consejero.

La dirección de Monarch Wellness’ central Naples es: 843 Myrtle Terrace, Naples, Florida 34103. Nuestra Sur/Este dirección es: 12264 Tamiami Trail East, Suite 202 Naples, FL 34113. Para una cita por favor llame al 239-231-3208. 

Laughter & Its Benefits on the Body

We all know that feeling we get when we have a giggling fit, laugh with friends, or even see something funny on Facebook that makes us guffaw. What you are feeling is a physiological change in your body. With laughter, your body releases hormones and uses muscles that benefit your body and mind. Laughter has […]

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Wellness Classes Help Your Child with Confidence

Every generation has its own struggles. Our current, youngest generation is growing up in a world surrounded by social media and technology. With a gadget at every turn, one can lose one’s self in the constant inundation of images, videos, and social media comments. These are issues that previous generations did not have to confront […]

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What is an Inner Child?

We have all been children. That is a fact. That child may have gone through negative issues such as disappointments, rejections, abuse, neglect, and embarrassment. He/she also has had wonderful, positive experiences such as happiness, pride in reaching goals, a doting parent, and other cheerful moments. These experiences, both challenging and uplifting, have helped to […]

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Four Reasons to Practice Beach Yoga

Four Reasons to Practice Beach Yoga

We all know the benefits of practicing yoga. The strengthening and flexibility of the body and the positive psychological effects of yoga bring many people to the mat every day.  Beach yoga offers these benefits plus some that you can’t find on the mat in a studio or at home.  Here are a few of those benefits:

  1. Sunshine: vitamin D is essential for your body to stay healthy. Practicing beach yoga gives you sun exposure. The sun’s rays on the body produces vitamin D. Sunshine exposure also helps those with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). Remember to always wear sunscreen to avoid too much sun.
  1. Muscle strengthening: by holding the poses in the sand, your body will need to work harder to find balance and steadiness. The sand shifts below your feet unlike the hard, steady floor in yoga studios. This makes your body work harder to maintain the poses. This, in turn, uses more muscles within your legs, arms, back, etc. The result is a firmer, tighter physique.
  1. Fresh Air: here in southwest Florida, you tend to live in your air conditioning much of the year. Beach yoga gives you the opportunity to take in fresh air and nourish your muscles with oxygen. Yoga practice involves deep breathing. Breathing in the fresh, crisp air from the Gulf of Mexico will rejuvenate and energize you!
  1. Ultimate Relaxation: a lot of us go to the beach to relax, right? Combine a yoga class in this relaxing environment to feel a calmness and clarity that you cannot find in a yoga studio.

Here at Monarch Wellness, our Beach Yoga classes will start up again very soon. We are accepting pre-registrations right now for the fall classes. Please call our office for the beach location and to reserve your spot. You will be glad you did! Call us at 239-231-3208.

Our central Naples location is: 843 Myrtle Terrace, Naples, Florida 34103. Our South/East Naples location is: 12264 Tamiami Trail East, Suite 202 Naples, FL 34113.


We are an integrative mental health practice focused on empowering individuals & families to transform through emotional metamorphosis with peace, purpose, & insight. Professional licensed therapists tailor evidence based counseling with a gentle approach to help you experience freedom & relief.

Contact Us

2335 Tamiami Trail North,
Suite 406, Naples, FL 34103

(239) 231-3208

We are Open

Monday to Thursday
11:00am - 7:00pm

Friday to Sunday

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